The plants let go of their leaves and grow new ones. Because for every upliftment, you need to let go of something. And we need to make sure that the sacrifice isn't something which goes in vain.
Our relationship hasn't been the one of a cakewalk. It's permeated with thorns and potholes and everytime we face one of them, one of us makes sure to lift the fallen and we in turn make the necessary sacrifices. Because we want to thrive everytime we fall down.
Aarohi wishes me a good morning with a cup of tea. This is a very rare sight to see. I pull her close to bed and ask for a hug. As time says, I'm the one who has been fallen lately and Aarohi is the one driving me up. The soothing face of her lights up my entire day even if I had no sleep the last night due to a row with my boss.
"If I could see your face once more, I could die a happy man I'm sure". She kisses me and I knew she already validated herself with what I said. Aarohi reminds me that its already 8 and we must leave for our office. But for me, I'll always prefer sitting in the bed with her by my side, doing nothing all day over watching your boss go gaga on you. She's the silver lining of my cloud who'd give me a thousand optimistic inspirations even if the whole world was falling apart.
I ask Aarohi if things will get going fine for me and she replies, "Do you ever doubt that with me on your side?" This is what is lifting up a child who has tripped from his bicycle many times and giving him reasons that the next time he peddles, he won't trip. But at the same time she also glorifies the fact that I need to let go of the pretty unusual stuffs that I've been doing lately, a leaf for a leaf.
I look up to Aarohi as a baby looks up to his mother. I find my solace in Aarohi just as Kodaline finds his in his dog.