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An open letter from AaRo


To all my lovey-dovey homies out there, today we want to talk to you about love. The same love which makes the world go round. Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy and neither does it boast. Every relationship in this earth (not only the romantic ones) starts with a foundation and often love is that foundation. And it is what keeps most of the things cling onto each other when everything else seems to be falling apart.

One of the most fundamental part of a relationship is listening to each other. Listening is a very important factor that ensures understanding between two individuals. And then comes trust. Having trust and gaining trust is core to what a relationship has to offer.

We know that there are two sides to every coin. Likewise, love does come with its fair share of hardships too but choosing to move forward and thrive on these hardships is what love is all about. We may not know or understand the extent of some of the hardships that you all might go through. But take our bet on this, this too shall pass. Everything comes with an expiry date and so does the bad times.

We do fight with each other but at the same time we also flood each other's mind with compliments and good vibes which eventually shades the negativities. And just as we say that if there isn't jealousy, there isn't love. Similarly, if there aren't fights and contradictions, it must well be nothing more than infatuation.

At the same time, relationships do end, but it means you have learnt something along the way because loving someone is a journey of transformation and it comes with a free subscription to a lifetime of lessons. There will be days when you feel the worst. Everything would seem to be suffocating and you'd feel terrible. But just remember that nothing is perfect.

Love isn't conditional and that's an unsigned contract you agree upon. Even if you don’t feel like, smile at them, surprise them, don’t wait for your day to be perfect in order to make theirs. Because once a wise man said "Operate in love honestly, this is what makes our world go round."

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